Art Critic Louis Choi Chul-joo Criticism [43] Modern Art Critic Louis Choi Chul-joo's Criticism of Contemporary Art & Design Criticism of Contemporary Art = Contemporary Art Today Choi Chuljoo's Art Criticism, Contemporary Abstract Art Painter Criticism &
Art Critic Louis Choi Chul-joo Criticism [43] Modern Art Critic Louis Choi Chul-joo's Criticism of Contemporary Art & Design Criticism of Contemporary Art = Contemporary Art Today Choi Chuljoo's Art Criticism, Contemporary Abstract Art Painter Criticism & Abstract contemporary art that designed modern art abstract painting: Contemporary artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's realistic abstract work criticism of antinomical contemporary art as a abstract conceptual art based on the concept of other people's desires of others and Contemporary Art Critic Choi Chul-joo's New Work Modern Art Reading: Contemporary Art Works Published on Facebook and Instagram: Louis Choi Chul-joo, morning glory 2021-e, 114X169cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2021
Louis, Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 2021-e, 114X169cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2021, / 20220301~20220308 Flushing Town Hall, New York.
As a conceptual abstraction, "morning glory 2021-e" outside the window is a conceptual image of desire drawn on a cloth with the back surface reflected by hand using a transformed image made of the actuality of the morning glory.
As a desirable structure of desire, the abstract poster of "morning glory" by Louis Choi Chul-joo, and related works of contemporary art desire are exhibited, which is a contemporary conceptual art abstract that symbolizes the design of desire, that is, the conceptual abstraction of painting, as a desirable desire structure.
Louis, Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 2021-e, 114X169cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2021
An object (Louis Choi Chul-joo 2022 New York exhibition Morning glory 2021-e), which depicts the meaning of the figure in the semantic space created by the reversible light of non-realistic reality, structures the meaning of an abstract space that can reversibly transform the object into a real shape by concealing the other's desires in the shade of reversible light. The conceptual abstract meaning, or image in the mirror, is a virtual non-realistic image that reveals the place of the other's unconscious desires.
In response, Choi Chul-joo presents the design methodology of contemporary art.
This proceeds according to Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire formula. In other words, the image of desire applying Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory' is an image that creates a landscape by floating a morning glory in the sky, and connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory'. In addition, in "morning glory", the formula of desire is substituted "D(I...I')d=I(D'D'i" and the connection effect between the concept of desire and 'morning glory' as an image of desire sets the object as the concept of the image of desire by 'morning glory' to shade the concept of desire in a reversible shadow structure. In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire because desire (D) is repeated in several images (D...D), and the image of artistic action or desire (I) appears as the concept of desire (I).
Choi Chul-joo's Desire Object is an object (morning glory 2021-e) that depicts the meaning of the shape seen in the meaning space created by reversible light. By abstracting the image hidden in the long time period where the desire of the other is shared, the chick structure the meaning of a certain shape in the place of desire reflected in the shadow of reversible light to mean an abstract space that can reversible the object into its actual shape, and Choi Chul-joo refers to the concept of desire, which is covered by actual changed movements, in the shape of 100 exhibition posters set as the place of desire in the abstract space at the 2020 New York exhibition.
This is a dwarf planarity that seems to have a consistent meaning of "morning glory" in painting. The "morning glory" is an abstract place of desire that is the same as the reality in the mirror, but the shape of the background of desire is not the same.
Abstraction as a conceptual semantic structure is abstraction as a conceptual semantic structure of a non-realistic form with the same meaning as a conceptual form, but abstraction as the same meaning with different shapes is an actual non-realistic being with different colors and sizes. However, Choi Chul-joo reconstructs the abstract structure of desire into a real image as a conceptual object.
Its existence defines abstract space as a real reversible shape and mentions the abstract meaning of conceptual art through Choi Chul-joo's "morning glory" exhibition poster, which is set in the hope that the shape will be covered by actual movement in the shade of reversible light.
Chul-joo Choi's "morning glory": Exhibition of Louis Chul-joo Choi's "morning glory" with the image of Lacan's object ɑ and Picasso's Anamorphosis, 20.-22. Dec.2021 Gwangan Gallery in Busan.
The image that is out of line with reality as a desire object is consistent with the visualization of a photographic image in collage. This is because it is an image created by the desire of the other with a gaze area regardless of whether it is flat or three-dimensional. In "morning glory 2021-e-back", the morning glory in the lower center of the three morning glory as an object is a dwarf image, and the object of the structure of desire is seen as a gaze. Here, the morning glory refers to the existence of desire stopped by instantaneous gaze in the continuity of reversible time.
Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 2021-e-back, 114X169cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2021
The image in <morning glory 2021-e-back> shows the existence of reversible temporality by flattening the morning glory according to the perspective visual system margin and the reversible temporality, not the actual object.
However, although the existence of the morning glory is reproduced, the morning glory is confirmed by the background image, but it does not match the object of the desire structure. It is the semantic structure of a shadow created by reversible light whose image is different from that of a morning glory in terms of what existence is. It is an object as a being with a reversible temporality that is different from the non-existent shadow.
Therefore, the object is not an image as a subject, but as a being through the desire of others.
The morning glory at the bottom of the center connects reversible light to determine the place of existence and form the process of time and the space in which it exists. The morning glory formed at one light source point of view does not have good sense. Here, the morning glory is a partial fragmented image like a collage. In this way, each partial image exists in the space as the fragmented shape is exposed at the same time.
The flattened morning glory is the image of the subject created by the observer's gaze. It extracts the existence connected by a single color of reversible light through the morning glory that removes positive sensations, and contrasts the morning glory as an external image with the shadows of reversible light in the background from a perceptual point of view, showing a plane view transformed into a desire image.
The perspective of the concept of desire cannot be selected as a visible image that reproduces objects in reality and in reality depending on the viewpoint of view, and Choi Cheol-joo's photographic image that expresses the real image is identified as an image as in reality. Therefore, in an object, existence is a desire image as a reality similar to the object of the concept of desire.
Therefore, the desire gaze to see the shades created by reversible light reproduces the real and non-real objects according to the viewing point of view. The structure of the shade cannot be selected as a visible image, but it refers to the meaning of the concept by looking at the concept as an actual image that reverses the desires of others. And the concept of desire is identified as an image as a non-real world like a cartoon criticism. In other words, the existence of a desire object seems to be a sketch image similar to the reality of desire./ Writing. Choi Chul-joo, Contemporary Art Design Critic (Conceptual Abstract Painter & Doctor of Cultural Design)