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現代美術家Louisチェ·チョルジュの現代概念抽象美術評論及びデザインは他者の欲望をテーマにした非実在で、実際的な造形性の痕跡と可逆的な光の陰影で欲望概念を抽象する抽象美術評論とデザインです。 これは初期概念美術としての絵画性を復帰、すなわち事実的実在の席を代理する他人の欲望を抽象する概念抽象美術評論とデザインです [1] 現代美術家及び現代概念抽象画家の美術評論及びデザイン作品: Louis Chul-joo Choi, a pond reflecting the image of one's pres

現代美術家 Louis チェ·チョルジュ

by Art Review 2025. 3. 3. 16:31


現代美術家Louisチェ·チョルジュの現代概念抽象美術評論及びデザインは他者の欲望をテーマにした非実在で、実際的な造形性の痕跡と可逆的な光の陰影で欲望概念を抽象する抽象美術評論とデザインです。 これは初期概念美術としての絵画性を復帰、すなわち事実的実在の席を代理する他人の欲望を抽象する概念抽象美術評論とデザインです [1] 現代美術家及び現代概念抽象画家の美術評論及びデザイン作品: Louis Chul-joo Choi, a pond reflecting the image of one's present desires-sketch 3, 113X165cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2024 & Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 2025-1-Pond Rendering Reflects Current Desire, 113X164cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2025


Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 2025-1-Pond Rendering Reflects Current Desire, 113X164cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2025





チェ·チョルジュの欲望公式を通じて、通時的欲望で美的構造をデザインして適用することで、現象的主体、すなわち存在としての実体的オブジェクトが形成される過程を記表イメージで示します。 通時的欲望の経路は欲望公式を適用して欲望構造の抽象的デザインから実際のイメージの設置までです これは視覚領域で存在として欲望イメージを実在イメージとして認知し、他者の無意識の欲望的観点からオブジェとして事件イメージをニュースで伝え、そのオブジェを存在として現象的イメージとして認知します。  

ここで鏡構造の池で現象的イメージの主体を抽象化する存在は、言語的意味で記票イメージに分裂し、社会的可視性が欠乏した欲望のイメージを作り出す。 そのイメージは、持続的な欲望のかけらが社会構造に反映された池で構成されます。 その池の水面は鏡のように現実のイメージを反映します。 これは理想的な美的構造で他者の欲望を抽象化して再現しようとする現代写実主義絵画のイメージとして認識します。 これは池で事件と公演の現場を反映し、他人の欲望を現実と共に見る主体としての自我の欲望相互作用によって作られたイメージです


近代まで宗教的制約に重畳されたルネサンス時代の科学的思考において、レオン·バチスタ·アルベルティ(Leon Battista Alberti)の絵画論、すなわち遠近法的構成とした被写体の比例と概念で連続した同時代の抽象的欲望概念を多認定したのがチェ·チョルジュの欲望公式です。 これは現代の理想的抽象とは異なり、欲望概念の言語的意味を彼の抽象デザインプロセスを通じて可逆的光の陰影でアルベルティの遠近法を回帰させ、欲望構造を実在イメージとして具現します。

欲望構造の実在イメージは、他者の欲望から凝視する抽象的空間で事件イメージをオブジェとして凝視領域で瞬間的に欲望構造と同一視されることによって認知することになります。 これは、隠蔽された他者の無意識に抑圧された欲望が表出したものです。 このように認知されるオブジェの視覚的特性は、存在性と抽象性です。


Louis Chul-joo Choi, a pond reflecting the image of one's present desires-sketch 3, 113X164cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2024


凝視的イメージとしてオブジェの連続的な形態と欲望構造の不変性は、時間が経つにつれて同じ欲望の概念として認識される時、瞬間的なイメージで凝視されます。 その欲望のオブジェは時間が経つにつれて他の背景として現れますが、その実体は変わらずに凝視する時点が歪曲されたイメージに見えるように転移します。 チェ·チョルジュの抽象的なデザイン過程は、光の可逆的影の中で作られた欲望のオブジェを他人の欲望として眺めようとする欲望の概念から始まった視線で見る歪曲されたイメージでこれを実現します。

ここで歪曲されたイメージとして<ラッパの花>は欲望の背景として欲望の構造を言います。 したがって絵の背景ではなく欲望の一片としてレオナルド·ダ·ヴィンチのデッサン<アルノー風景>のように風景を一つの主体として<ラッパ花>は実際に見える欲望を表す背景です。 この概念的抽象化は欲望の視線に集中するために、オブジェを平らな構造の実際の空間と整列して平面的に歪曲します。 その欲望概念の言語的意味で事件と公演のイメージは漫画イメージとしての「ラッパ花」と可逆的な光の影の中の事件イメージで同じ平面構造で描かれ、これを事件イメージと重なります。 また、現存する欲望のイメージに映った池を可逆的な光の陰影で飾り、主体としての欲望の座を飾ります。



抽象的な非存在から認知的視線を認識する過程を通じて、欲望の概念は事件のイメージを視覚的デザインでデザインし、視線知覚を通じて存在する対象の形成的美的価値を形成する対象として認識されます。 このように形成されたイメージは、現代の美的価値を表わし、他人の欲望という概念を通じてイメージの実体を解釈します。 これは欲望構造の領域で他者の視線によってオブジェを生成する過程を抽象的なデザインに適用し、その結果、オブジェと欲望オブジェの現実から分離された他者としての欲望イメージを歪曲することです。 したがって、他者の欲望構造を表すブゼを形成し、認識可能な他の既存のイメージに転移します。 ここで時間性は、現存材の視覚的構造を形成する実際のイメージを可逆的な光の陰影に導き、可逆的な空間構造を確保します。







したがって、言語的意味を実在を語る主体は抽象化、すなわち欲望概念の真理値を表し、これは口語体と事件ビデオ放送の視聴効果をニュースに依存する発火行為(enunciation)で明示する表象的美的構造です。 これは視覚的イメージの欲望概念は開放系として数多くの視覚イメージを多元的な視覚体系を通じて他人に伝えられるためです。 欲望概念の真理値である抽象的イメージは、他者の欲望から表出された実在イメージで普遍性を持っているため、注目を集めることになります。 つまり、他者の抽象的欲望から明らかになったオブジェは、芸術作品として適用されるポップアートの通時的機能を通じて、他者の欲望概念と同じ美的イメージを交換する欲望機能をします





そして欲望の欠乏を満たそうとする実在イメージは、継続的に他の欲望のオブジェを代理します。 抽象的欲望にオブジェとして現在の欲望を反映する池は、実在として欲望構造を提示して抽象的欲望にオブジェですが、実在イメージを通じて欠如から分離された欲望構造を隠蔽され、外れた社会的可視性に欲望構造が隷属された欲望が欠乏した不完全な抽象性から抜け出し、実在イメージとして欲望の原因を事件イメージとしてのオブジェに帰還します。

また、他の欲望のオブジェは、欲望の欠乏を満たそうとする実際のイメージで持続的に表現されます。 抽象的欲望のオブジェとして現在の欲望を反映する池は、抽象的欲望のオブジェである現実としての欲望構造を提示しますが、欲望が欠如した不完全な抽象から抜け出し、実際のイメージとしての欲望の原因を事件イメージとしてのオブジェに戻します。 すなわち、欠乏と分裂した欲望の構造は抽象的な欲望の実際のイメージを通じて隠されており、逸脱した社会的可視性に従属した矛盾した欲望が欲望の原因となり、実際のイメージのオブジェになります。


Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p132-5-1-Pond Rendering Reflects Current Desire-BTS New York Times Square Performance,  a hand-painted picture on a computer



欲望概念のオブジェレンダリングは、 1.オブジェとして事件イメージと同じ欲望概念を無意識と実在イメージに分裂させ、無意識的欲望を存在的実在としてレンダリングしたポップアート的イメージです。したがって、言語的意味を語る欲望構造のオブジェは、ニュースで放送した事件とイメージで、発話行為(enunciation)として口語体言語と事件映像放送の視聴効果をニュースに依存する要素を特定する一つの発話行為の言表的美的構造として欲望概念のオブジェの真理値である抽象化を実在で表象します。 2. 欲望概念の真理値として言語的意味を実在を語る抽象化、すなわち欲望概念の真理値を表し、これは口語体と事件ビデオ放送の視聴効果をニュースに依存する発火行為(enunciation)で明示する表象的美的構造です。 これは視覚的イメージの欲望概念は開放系として数多くの視覚イメージを多元的な視覚体系を通じて他人に伝達されるためです。 欲望概念の真理値である抽象的イメージは、他者の欲望から表出された実在イメージで普遍性を持っているため、注目を集めることになります。 つまり、他者の抽象的欲望から明らかになった欲望概念の真の価値であるオブジェは、芸術作品として適用されるポップアートの通時的機能を通じて、他者の欲望概念と同じ言語的意味の美的イメージを交換する欲望機能をします 3. 欲望概念の抽象的イメージと現実が同じ言語的意味での欲望概念の真理値は欲望の構造を示すもので、抽象的欲望概念の現実が欲望の因果構造である現実イメージとして矛盾的欲望と意味的関係を形成することによって欲望の構造を演出します。 これはカントのように近代美術まで二元的構造として神話的対象を人間と同じ構造と解釈する二律背反的イメージを一つの実在構造として包括します. 4. 欲望概念のオブジェレンダリングは、理性的主体の視線を通じて欲望構造の言語的意味と同じ合理的なオブジェである事件イメージとしてのオブジェは、主体が見ることのできない実際のイメージでレンダリングします。 そして欲望の欠乏を満たそうとする実在イメージは、持続的に他の欲望のオブジェを代理する抽象的欲望にオブジェとして現在の欲望を反映する鏡構造の池で、可逆的光の陰影で欲望構造として言語的意味のイメージを繰り返しデザインしレンダリングします

そのレンダリングはイメージの実在として欲望構造を提示して抽象的欲望のオブジェですが、実在イメージを通じて欠如から分離された欲望構造を隠蔽され、外れた社会的可視性に欲望構造が隷属された欲望が欠乏した不完全な抽象性から抜け出し、実在イメージとして欲望の原因を事件イメージとしてのオブジェに帰還します。 また、他の欲望のオブジェレンダリングは、欲望の欠乏を満たそうとする実際のイメージで継続的に表現されます。 抽象的欲望のオブジェとして現在の欲望を反映するオブジェのレンダリングは、抽象的欲望のオブジェである現実としての欲望構造を提示しますが、欲望が欠如した不完全な抽象から抜け出し、実際のイメージとしての欲望の原因を事件イメージとしてのオブジェに戻します。 すなわち、欠乏と分裂した欲望の構造は抽象的な欲望の実際のイメージを通じて隠されており、逸脱した社会的可視性に従属した矛盾した欲望が欲望の原因となり、実際のイメージとして抽象化に帰着します







現在の欲望で池の形が持つ絶対的な欲望概念は抽象化で見られる記号的隠喩で、その欲望概念は他者の欲望を抽象しますが、模倣的絵の範疇を越えることはできません。  .

抽象的欲望から実在イメージとの違いを言語的概念の意味として受け入れながら、欲望と関係構造を成す抽象と向き合う欲望の言語的意味が作る実在構造を抽象化します。 これは宗教的慣習から受け入れられる社会的制約(制約)から脱し、絵の中の欲望の造形的現実を隠し、実在のニュースに基づいた事件イメージを抽象化するチェ·チョルジュの欲望概念抽象化です。    


欲望概念の抽象的実体と現実が同じ言語的意味での欲望概念解釈は、欲望と意味的関係を形成することによって欲望の構造を表します。 このイメージで欲望の抽象的実体は欲望の因果構造です。 すなわち、二律背反的同等性が抽象的欲望概念の実在性をアポリアイメージから欲望の原因的構造にした実在イメージで欲望との意味関係を結んで欲望の構造を代理します。

欲望構造としての実在イメージの抽象化は、見える隠喩の形態的イメージが抽象的言語の意味が実在に転移します。 その抽象化は、実在的な形状のイメージとして、形状の欲望構造が陰弊した抽象的な気儀としての還流的固着です。 つまり、抽象化において社会的事件のイメージとしての他者の欲望により実体化された形状的意味を追加的な形に置き換えます。 




チェ·チョルジュの欲望概念で見たマネの<Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe 草むらの上の昼食>でスーツを着た男は、幼児として主体性を認識しながら自身のイメージと同一視する象徴系です。 正装した男は、服装を整えて理性的な道徳観を表明した時代から19世紀まで、継続的な社会的規定によって幼児が持つ認識の構造です。 池と同じ鏡の構造に映った外部に露出した開放された空間で、女性と男性が服を脱いでいるのは間違っていることを認識してスーツを着ており、ヌードの女性とは違ってスーツをした男性がイメージの主体であることを認識します。 



池のイメージで欲望の主体は抽象の絵画的意味を拒否し、流体固定による抽象的構造ではなく現実のイメージとして表し、既存の理性に隠された幻想の実体を表します。 これは見えない欲望の実体としての実際のイメージを現し、「現在の欲望を反映した池レンダリング」で現代の絶対的幻想の固着を破壊します。




欲望は一つのオブジェであり、事件のイメージと言語的意味は連結された構造です。 デザインを羅列した後、欲望を抽象化する代わりに、欲望概念の主体としての言語的意味は実際のイメージに向かいます。







池の水面に反射する可逆的な光でステッチした欲望のオブジェを実在の固有色で構成します。 そして可逆的な光が欲望のオブジェに投射され、実在の陰影に彫刻され反射されて凝視される実在イメージに帰結します。

したがって、遠近感視覚システムとは異なり、現在の欲望を反映する欲望イメージのレンダリングは、欲望構造の時間性によって表と裏が重なる象徴的現実イメージを繰り返しデザインし、同じ表面に複数の可逆的な光で欲望の質感を作り、単一イメージと同じ構造を具現します../著者。現代美術評論家 チェ·チョルジュ(文化デザイン博士   


Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p131-1,  a hand-painted picture on a computer


Choi Chul-joo's Desire Formula is a multiplication formula that uses I/I (image) and D/d (design) as symbols to generate a polynomial desire image by connecting the number of design images with event and performance images. The linguistic meaning of an image as a symbol is an image (I/i) of the concept of desire to identify the abstract concept of desire.

As an abstract artist, Choi Chul-joo's contemporary conceptual art is an abstract art that abstracts the concept of real formability and reversible shadow of light as unrealistic beings according to the desires of others. This is an abstraction of the other's desire to replace the real place, that is, the other's desire to represent the real place.

Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire Abstract design concept is a new abstract art methodology that embodies modern abstract concepts transformed from Romanticism to Abstract as real images, starting from the modern art movement.

One conceptual art creates a dual place with the concept of the selector's desire rather than abstract, overtakes abstract conceptual art in the dual place, and repeatedly designs a reality image as a semantic entity with the abstractly deficient desire structure desired by the selector as the subject.

The conceptual aesthetics of figures that design the reality of desire are the result of designing a lack of empirical desire to abstract aesthetic experience into objective reality as a value of life, and formative value is obtained from real images by satisfying the lack of necessary objects.

Here, the object of desire is insufficient and follows the other's concept of desire to obtain semantic correlation through empirical consciousness movements.

Therefore, the actual image as a structure of desire has an aesthetic value that conforms to the conventional practice by omitting shadow images from the real world and placing them in the range of light due to the concept of desire, and settles in the structure of the real subject and the essence of reality. By inductively illuminating the concept in the reversible shadow of light, it clearly embodies the linguistic meaning of the image and the real phenomenon.



The figurative meaning of the conceptual abstract 'morning glory' is that the color of meaning decorates the reality of customary universality facing the object with the color of light. The dark blank space is a shadow created in the area of the subject, which contrasts with the light of a decorated shape. Here, as a real object, color is a single-phase image of the desire custom seen through the gaze. This is a symbolic linguistic image of the background of desire, which symbolizes the concept of desire with imitated flowers. Here, the morning glory image is a piece as a meaning of desire symbolized in real space as a result of the desire image.

"morning glory" expresses the lack of the concept of desire that exists in reversible temporality as a phenomenal image, and expresses the structure of desire obscured by the shade of reversible light in the intermediate stage, which represents the existence of various desires beyond the current abstract structure of color and plane.


And by expressing the absence of the concept of desire in reversible temporality as a phenomenal image, "morning glory" expresses the mirror image reflected in the "pond" to abstract the structure of reality from the desire hidden in the shade of reversible light in the intermediate stage, which represents the existence of various desires beyond the current abstract color and planar structure.


 Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process "morning glory" by Choi Chul-joo is a reconstruction of the imagination of desire that is recognized as a structure of desire and the reality reflected in the mirror as a background of desire established as a visual structure. "Bamboo Forest" is the shadow that hides the reality in the shadow of reversible light in his desire concept design process. And "The Missing Pond" is an abstract language image that reflects the reality of the concept of unconscious desire as a linguistic structure.

Therefore, Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic representation of the "disappeared pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the concept of abstract desire to a real image in the category of modern art's ideal Logos expression. 

The progress of this symbolizes the object of desire as a conceptual subject as a design process of the conceptual subject of desire.


Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire to design abstraction in contemporary art does not presuppose causality with the real image, but symbolizes the object of desire as a conceptual subject from an abstract concept in which desires alienated by the unconscious are divided, resulting in an abstract real image as a correlation between real images.

In linguistic abstraction, the meaning of abstraction as a real image is inductively inferred to take the meaning of symbolic existence. 

And the view of the image of its existence abstracts the concept of desire to the outside of reality, and the real image becomes the object of abstraction as the correlation of reality with the concept of desire. This is Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process 1.     

The actual image symbolized by the design using the object of abstract desire as the conceptual subject is omitted, and the image is flattened in the visible range of light. And the image is represented as a symbolic structure of the concept of desire, which is spoken in a linguistic sense.


Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process 2 is to decorate the object with a color of universal reality that matches customs so that the reality of the symbolic structure represented in this way has an aesthetic value corresponding to the place as a single image.     

The aesthetic structure concealed by the image designed as the concept of desire is divided into clouds and obscured shades, and the concept of desire is visualized as an image in various directions in the opposite direction of the concept of desire and the image, and the subject of the structure of desire created in the social environment is represented as an object in the past to recognize the image as an abstraction. And the subject who drew the existence executes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire as an agent, and turns abstract desire into an image's mental phenomenon.

And Choi Chul-joo's abstract concept of desire is created by the imagination desired by the subject of desire in selecting an image of an abstract desire object in the unconscious.

As an abstract image, the concept of desire design process 3 is to repeatedly design a desire that combines lines and colors as an unconscious act that is in thought but is not conscious.     

The concept of unconsciously abstracting desire is a sculpture image of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shadow of light, and shows another image of reality by concealing reality as a shadow.

The image is an unconscious mind maintained by the real image and the imagination desired by the subject of desire, and is an idea that cannot be recognized by that image.


Desire Concept Design Process 4. is designed by combining the spatial composition of desire, in which the image of desire is a sculpted planar monochromatic painting in reality, into a reversible structure of light through conscious movement.     

In this way, Choi Cheol-joo's concept of desire design appears as an object of desire as another abstract reality in the perspective visual system through his concept of desire design process.



Louis Chul-joo Choi, Release Lovelyz's mini album 'Lovelyz 8, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2019/ News Cartoon: Cartoonist & freelance reporter Choi Chul-joo's current affairs cartoon review one sentence - Cartoon review: cartoon designer Choi Chul-joo's review news 


Conceptual semantic structure Abstraction of modern art converts images of the desires of others designed as pop art sketches into abstraction through cartoon criticism. This abstractly illuminates the desire to reconstruct the external phenomena of socio-cultural objects of contemporary art into photographs of events and to express the specific validity of others through the objective perspective of images, the subject of desire. This effect is an easy example of modern art abstraction by abstracting the desires of others into cartoons from the objects in which the event occurred, and interpreting cartoon analysis as a cultural form of modern art to evaluate the value of life. It's a treacherous conceptual art called realistic abstraction, the cartoon news of modern realistic abstraction. 


Conceptual artist, contemporary artist, abstract painter, media artist, pop artist, cartoonist & cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo cartoonist, pop artist, contemporary art work, pop artist who draws webtoon news, contemporary artist, concept artist, cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo.

Choi Chul-joo, contemporary cartoon art historical painting & contemporary concept image installation artist's work


Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon review image as an image.


 Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, Bamboo Forest 234-Release Lovelyz's mini album 'Lovely: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. 


Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, Bamboo Forest i234-Release Lovelyz's mini album 'Lovely: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. 


Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Choi Chul-joo, Bamboo Forest i234-Release Lovelyz's mini album 'Lovely-pond: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. 


Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, In front of the bamboo forest Bamboo Forest Bamboo Forest i234-Release Lovelyz's mini album 'Lovely-pond-mirror: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light.  


Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, In front of the bamboo forest Bamboo Forest Bamboo Forest i234-Release Lovelyz's mini album 'Lovely-pond-mirror 2: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, leads to verbal abstraction. In other words, the shape in which the other's desire is realistically revealed in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction with the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as a cultural background is linguistic abstraction. Abstraction creates a conceptual structure reflected in a pond based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desires of others in instantaneous events.And Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic expression for "morning glory" reflected in the "pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the abstract concept of desire to a real image in the category of ideal desire expression in contemporary art. 

In addition, as a process of designing the concept of desire, the object of desire is symbolized as a conceptual subject, forming a reality expressed through desire revealed in the oppressed unconscious through design and revealing abstraction as existence



Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p131-1-Release Lovelyz's mini album,  a hand-painted picture on a computer


Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, morning glory p131-1-Release Lovelyz's mini album: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.


The visualization of the concept of desire: Visualizing the concept of desire is a cartoon depicting events and performances manually, expressing the background of the cartoon as a landscape of desire with "morning glory" and "Bamboo Forest," and the cartoon image reconstructs desire into an abstract and realistic picture. 


Desire Design Methodology in Abstract Art Theory on Painting Design, Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo's Desire Concept Abstract Design Methodology: <morning glory p131-1-Release Lovelyz's mini album> As an Abstract Korean painting of Modern Art, Desire Formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> is applied to overlap the painting <Louis Chul-joo Choi, a pond reflecting the image of one's present desires-sketch 3, 113X165cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2024> created by reversible light. In addition, by re-applying the desire formula by linking verbal metaphor images, a phenomenal conceptual place is set in another place in one space as a shade of reversible light and abstracted. 

This translates to the first non-realistic abstraction poster at Louis Choi Chul-joo's 2022 New York Exhibition to actualize the Desire Object. The image <morning glory p131-1-Release Lovelyz's mini album> becomes a non-real abstraction of reality.


By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.


By repeatedly sketching design and applying Choi Chuljoo's desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i" to the conceptual image of desire, it instantly acquires aesthetic value and reveals the meaning of abstract desire by realizing realistic formability in the shadow of reversible light at that moment. / The abstract meaning of the shape in which the actual changed instantaneous desire shape is hidden by the reversible movement of light results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, it is verbal abstraction with the same meaning as a realistic form of the other person's desire in a momentary event or performance scene. Choi Chul-joo's conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as the background of cultural abstraction is the linguistic abstraction of images. The abstraction creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of reality after the meaning fostered by language and hides the abstract desire of others in momentary events and performance scenes.


Therefore, conceptual abstract painter Louis Choi Chul-joo's "Louis Choi chuljoo, morning glory p131-1-Release Lovelyz's mini album" is a desire image of a real structure that is reconstructed into a reversible structure of light as an image of the concept of desire created from a transformed image meaning the reality of morning glory.a New Yorker's private collection

Therefore, conceptual abstract painter Louis Choi Chul-joo's "the bamboo forest i234-Release Lovelyz's mini album 'Lovely-pond-mirror" is a desire image of a real structure that is reconstructed into a reversible structure of light as an image of the concept of desire created from a transformed image meaning the reality of morning glory. And  Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic expression for "morning glory" reflected in the "pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the abstract concept of desire to a real image in the category of ideal desire expression in contemporary art. 

In addition, as a process of designing the concept of desire, the object of desire is symbolized as a conceptual subject, forming a reality expressed through desire revealed in the oppressed unconscious through design and revealing abstraction as existence.


Object rendering of the concept of desire is 1. a pop art image that renders unconscious desire as an existential reality by dividing the same concept of desire as the event image into unconscious and real images as an object. Therefore, the subject who speaks linguistic meaning actually represents abstraction, the truth value of the concept of desire, which is an expressive aesthetic structure that specifies the viewing effect of colloquial language and event video broadcasting as an act of speech enunciation that depends on the news. 2. As the truth value of  the concept of desire in visual images is an open system, and numerous visual images are transmitted to others through a pluralistic visual system. Abstract images, which are the true values of the concept of desire, attract attention because they have universality as real images expressed by the desires of others. In other words, the object exposed to the abstract desires of others functions as a desire to exchange the same aesthetic image as the concept of desire of others through the diachronic function of pop art applied as a work of art. 3. The truth value of the concept of desire in a linguistic sense in which the abstract image of the concept of desire and reality are the same, represents the structure of desire, and the reality of the abstract concept of desire is a real image, which is the causal structure of desire, and creates a structure of desire by forming a semantic relationship with contradictory desire. Like Kant, this is a dual structure up to modern art, and it encompasses mythical objects in the same structure as humans, and the antinomic desire structure as a single structure.  4. an object of the concept of desire rendered in abstractionThe object rendering of the concept of desire renders the object as an event image, which is the same rational object as the linguistic meaning of the desire structure through the gaze of the rational subject, is recognized as a real image that the subject cannot see.  Additionally, other objects of desire are continuously represented by real images that attempt to fill the deficiency of desire. The pond, which reflects present desire as an object to abstract desire, presents a desire structure as a reality, which is an object to abstract desire, but it returns the cause of desire as a real image to an object as an event image, free from the imperfect abstraction that lacks desire that is subjugated to social visibility that has been concealed and deviated from lack through real images. In other words, the structure of deficiency and divided desire is hidden through real images of abstract desires, and contradictory desires subordinate to deviated social visibility become the cause of desire and become the objects of real images. In addition, object rendering of other desires is continuously expressed as a real image trying to fill the deficiency of desire. The rendering of an object that reflects the present desire as an object of abstract desire presents the structure of desire as reality, which is the object of abstract desire, but it returns the cause of desire as a real image to an object as an event image, away from the imperfect abstract lacking desire. In other words, the structure of deficiency and divided desire is hidden through the real image of abstract desire, and contradictory desires subordinate to deviated social visibility become the cause of desire, resulting in abstraction as a real image.


Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Choi Chul-joo, the bamboo forest 234, a hand-painted picture on a computer


Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Choi Chul-joo, morning glory p131, a hand-painted picture on a computer


Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire Abstract design concept is a new abstract art methodology that embodies modern abstract concepts transformed from Romanticism to Abstract as real images, starting from the modern art movement.

One conceptual art creates a dual place with the concept of the selector's desire rather than abstract, overtakes abstract conceptual art in the dual place, and repeatedly designs a reality image as a semantic entity with the abstractly deficient desire structure desired by the selector as the subject.

The conceptual aesthetics of figures that design the reality of desire are the result of designing a lack of empirical desire to abstract aesthetic experience into objective reality as a value of life, and formative value is obtained from real images by satisfying the lack of necessary objects.

Here, the object of desire is insufficient and follows the other's concept of desire to obtain semantic correlation through empirical consciousness movements.

Therefore, the actual image as a structure of desire has an aesthetic value that conforms to the conventional practice by omitting shadow images from the real world and placing them in the range of light due to the concept of desire, and settles in the structure of the real subject and the essence of reality. By inductively illuminating the concept in the reversible shadow of light, it clearly embodies the linguistic meaning of the image and the real phenomenon.


By inductively illuminating the concept in the reversible shadow of light as a real image of desire, the linguistic meaning and real phenomena of the image are clearly embodied like mathematics.

As a specific object and subject composed of the psychological vector of the concept of unconscious desire in the real image, the instruction vector in which desire is opposed to each other's gaze creates a lack of desire.

In this way, mathematics is an abstract science based on the concept of desire, which goes through abstract design as an axiom and results in reality as a concrete phenomenon rather than based on the external structure of the linguistic meaning.


Final image superimposed on the artist's work:: Louis Chul-joo Choi, the Missing pond, 112X249cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2024: The actual image has a perspective tone of the symbolism of the reality of the desire structure deposited in the pond. At the same time, as a figurative image that characterizes contemporary linguistic meaning, it creates a frame on the boundary of the pond for the desire of the other, creates an abstraction of the abstract desire structure as an image of an actual object, destroying the phenomenal symbolic system of conceptual abstraction with lines and colors, and forming an image suitable for the purpose desired by the subject as a reality. 

In this way, the desire image constitutes a desire position as an inevitable object that the subject desires, acquires pictorial value as a real image of a linguistic concept, and uses linguistic abstract meaning to mark the inner concept of desire as an external image.

Linguistic abstraction is the structure of desire, and the background of desire, which establishes Lacan's imagination and reality reflected in the mirror as a visual structure, is Choi Chul-joo's "morning glory". In the design process of his concept of desire, the shadow that hides the reality in the shadow of reversible light is "Bamboo Forest". And the abstract language image that reflects the reality of the concept of unconscious desire as a linguistic structure is "The Missing Pond".

Therefore, Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic representation of the "disappeared pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the concept of abstract desire to a real image in the category of modern art's ideal Logos expression. 

In addition, as a design process of the concept of desire, the object of desire is symbolized as a conceptual subject, forming the reality expressed through desire revealed in the suppressed unconscious through design and revealing abstraction as being.



The figurative meaning of the conceptual abstract 'morning glory' is that the color of meaning decorates the reality of customary universality facing the object with the color of light. The dark blank space is a shadow created in the area of the subject, which contrasts with the light of a decorated shape. Here, as a real object, color is a single-phase image of the desire custom seen through the gaze. This is a symbolic linguistic image of the background of desire, which symbolizes the concept of desire with imitated flowers. Here, the morning glory image is a piece as a meaning of desire symbolized in real space as a result of the desire image.

"morning glory" expresses the lack of the concept of desire that exists in reversible temporality as a phenomenal image, and expresses the structure of desire obscured by the shade of reversible light in the intermediate stage, which represents the existence of various desires beyond the current abstract structure of color and plane.


And by expressing the absence of the concept of desire in reversible temporality as a phenomenal image, "morning glory" expresses the mirror image reflected in the "pond" to abstract the structure of reality from the desire hidden in the shade of reversible light in the intermediate stage, which represents the existence of various desires beyond the current abstract color and planar structure.


 Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process "morning glory" by Choi Chul-joo is a reconstruction of the imagination of desire that is recognized as a structure of desire and the reality reflected in the mirror as a background of desire established as a visual structure. "Bamboo Forest" is the shadow that hides the reality in the shadow of reversible light in his desire concept design process. And "The Missing Pond" is an abstract language image that reflects the reality of the concept of unconscious desire as a linguistic structure.

Therefore, Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic representation of the "disappeared pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the concept of abstract desire to a real image in the category of modern art's ideal Logos expression. 

The progress of this symbolizes the object of desire as a conceptual subject as a design process of the conceptual subject of desire.


Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire to design abstraction in contemporary art does not presuppose causality with the real image, but symbolizes the object of desire as a conceptual subject from an abstract concept in which desires alienated by the unconscious are divided, resulting in an abstract real image as a correlation between real images.

In linguistic abstraction, the meaning of abstraction as a real image is inductively inferred to take the meaning of symbolic existence. 

And the view of the image of its existence abstracts the concept of desire to the outside of reality, and the real image becomes the object of abstraction as the correlation of reality with the concept of desire. This is Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process 1.     

The actual image symbolized by the design using the object of abstract desire as the conceptual subject is omitted, and the image is flattened in the visible range of light. And the image is represented as a symbolic structure of the concept of desire, which is spoken in a linguistic sense.


Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process 2 is to decorate the object with a color of universal reality that matches customs so that the reality of the symbolic structure represented in this way has an aesthetic value corresponding to the place as a single image.     

The aesthetic structure concealed by the image designed as the concept of desire is divided into clouds and obscured shades, and the concept of desire is visualized as an image in various directions in the opposite direction of the concept of desire and the image, and the subject of the structure of desire created in the social environment is represented as an object in the past to recognize the image as an abstraction. And the subject who drew the existence executes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire as an agent, and turns abstract desire into an image's mental phenomenon.

And Choi Chul-joo's abstract concept of desire is created by the imagination desired by the subject of desire in selecting an image of an abstract desire object in the unconscious.

As an abstract image, the concept of desire design process 3 is to repeatedly design a desire that combines lines and colors as an unconscious act that is in thought but is not conscious.     

The concept of unconsciously abstracting desire is a sculpture image of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shadow of light, and shows another image of reality by concealing reality as a shadow.

The image is an unconscious mind maintained by the real image and the imagination desired by the subject of desire, and is an idea that cannot be recognized by that image.


Desire Concept Design Process 4. is designed by combining the spatial composition of desire, in which the image of desire is a sculpted planar monochromatic painting in reality, into a reversible structure of light through conscious movement.     

In this way, Choi Cheol-joo's concept of desire design appears as an object of desire as another abstract reality in the perspective visual system through his concept of desire design process.


Choi Chul-joo, MONSTA X's "Let me be your fantasy" 5Conceptual Artwork Criticism: Louis Chul-joo Choi, newsmanwha K-Pop Song illustratoin [7] MONSTA X <Let me be your fantasy> Online Live(2020-5-27) / Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review


■ Art Critic Choi Chul-joo's Visual Culture Column: To weave pink cloth in waves in a dark place as if it were your last life. = The temporality of light brightened by overlapping light is real in a realistic structure that removes real images and expresses them as shadows.

In addition, Choi Chul-joo's theory of desire art, which interprets reality as a realistic abstract, is embodied in a shade covered with a bamboo forest depicting the subject of "morning glory" the background of desire.


Famous contemporary artist, modern painter, abstract painter & contemporary abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's treacherous conceptual art abstraction 'Morning Glory' & 'Bamboo Forest' pop art abstraction design / Webtoon News Cartoonist & Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo Cartoon Design News 


Webtoon News Cartoonist Choi Chuljoo's One-Sentence Cartoon Review & Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Pop Art Abstract Painting design 

Cartoon designer Choi Chul-joo, contemporary conceptual art pop art work & Webtoon design historical painter

Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meaning that exists in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, abstract painting is drawn through the shadow of reversible light that interprets others abstract desires into images. In other words, the emergence of the concept of desire is a momentary encounter with the concept of desire in a straight form of non-realistic image generated by reversible light. 


The image of non-realism, which emerged as the concept of desire, is a distorted form of similar factual structure. This is because the place and shape of the real form are not the same.


Realistic structures reflect the shape by being distorted by light.  It is the outline and shadow that are determined by the shade of light that reveals its shape. Realistic abstractions as treacherous conceptual art take note of this and shape realistic concepts.

(Choi Chul-joo's Conceptual Art Theory on Realistic Abstract Painting)

Louis Choi Chul-joo, Kim Yon-ja's bling bling 20


Conceptual semantic structure Abstraction of modern art converts images of the desires of others designed as pop art sketches into abstraction through cartoon criticism. This abstractly illuminates the desire to reconstruct the external phenomena of socio-cultural objects of contemporary art into photographs of events and to express the specific validity of others through the objective perspective of images, the subject of desire. This effect is an easy example of modern art abstraction by abstracting the desires of others into cartoons from the objects in which the event occurred, and interpreting cartoon analysis as a cultural form of modern art to evaluate the value of life. It's a treacherous conceptual art called realistic abstraction, the cartoon news of modern realistic abstraction. 


Conceptual artist, contemporary artist, abstract painter, media artist, pop artist, cartoonist & cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo cartoonist, pop artist, contemporary art work, pop artist who draws webtoon news, contemporary artist, concept artist, cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo.

Choi Chul-joo, contemporary cartoon art historical painting & contemporary concept image installation artist's work


Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon review image as an image.


Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, bamboo forest 236-Let me be your fantasy, a hand-painted picture on a computer/  Reinterpreting cartoon news review, which uses modern art abstract painting as treacherous conceptual art, as a conceptual artist's work


Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, In front of the bamboo forest i236-Let me be your fantasy: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.


Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Choi Chul-joo, Bamboo Forest i236-Let me be your fantasy-pond: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. 


Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, In front of the bamboo forest Bamboo Forest Bamboo Forest i236-Let me be your fantasy-pond-mirror: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, leads to verbal abstraction. In other words, the shape in which the other's desire is realistically revealed in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction with the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as a cultural background is linguistic abstraction. Abstraction creates a conceptual structure reflected in a pond based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desires of others in instantaneous events.And Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic expression for "morning glory" reflected in the "pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the abstract concept of desire to a real image in the category of ideal desire expression in contemporary art. 

In addition, as a process of designing the concept of desire, the object of desire is symbolized as a conceptual subject, forming a reality expressed through desire revealed in the oppressed unconscious through design and revealing abstraction as existence


 Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p132-2=Pond Rendering Reflects Current Desire,  a hand-painted picture on a computer


Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, morning glory p132-2=Pond Rendering Reflects Current Desire: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.


The visualization of the concept of desire: Visualizing the concept of desire is a cartoon depicting events and performances manually, expressing the background of the cartoon as a landscape of desire with "morning glory" and "Bamboo Forest," and the cartoon image reconstructs desire into an abstract and realistic picture. 


Desire Design Methodology in Abstract Art Theory on Painting Design, Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo's Desire Concept Abstract Design Methodology: <morning glory p132-2=Pond Rendering Reflects Current Desire> As an Abstract Korean painting of Modern Art, Desire Formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> is applied to overlap the painting <Louis Choi Chul-joo, morning glory p132, a hand-painted picture on a computer> created by reversible light. In addition, by re-applying the desire formula by linking verbal metaphor images, a phenomenal conceptual place is set in another place in one space as a shade of reversible light and abstracted. 

This translates to the first non-realistic abstraction poster at Louis Choi Chul-joo's 2022 New York Exhibition to actualize the Desire Object. The image <Louis Choi Chul-joo, morning glory p132-2=Pond Rendering Reflects Current Desire, a hand-painted picture on a computer> becomes a non-real abstraction of reality.


By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.


By repeatedly sketching design and applying Choi Chuljoo's desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i" to the conceptual image of desire, it instantly acquires aesthetic value and reveals the meaning of abstract desire by realizing realistic formability in the shadow of reversible light at that moment. / The abstract meaning of the shape in which the actual changed instantaneous desire shape is hidden by the reversible movement of light results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, it is verbal abstraction with the same meaning as a realistic form of the other person's desire in a momentary event or performance scene. Choi Chul-joo's conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as the background of cultural abstraction is the linguistic abstraction of images. The abstraction creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of reality after the meaning fostered by language and hides the abstract desire of others in momentary events and performance scenes.


Therefore, conceptual abstract painter Louis Choi Chul-joo's "Louis Choi Chul-joo, morning glory p132-2=Pond Rendering Reflects Current Desire, a hand-painted picture on a computer" is a desire image of a real structure that is reconstructed into a reversible structure of light as an image of the concept of desire created from a transformed image meaning the reality of morning glory.a New Yorker's private collection

Therefore, conceptual abstract painter Louis Choi Chul-joo's "In front of the bamboo forest Bamboo Forest Bamboo Forest i236-Let me be your fantasy-pond-mirror" is a desire image of a real structure that is reconstructed into a reversible structure of light as an image of the concept of desire created from a transformed image meaning the reality of morning glory. And  Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic expression for "morning glory" reflected in the "pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the abstract concept of desire to a real image in the category of ideal desire expression in contemporary art. 

In addition, as a process of designing the concept of desire, the object of desire is symbolized as a conceptual subject, forming a reality expressed through desire revealed in the oppressed unconscious through design and revealing abstraction as existence.


Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Choi Chul-joo, the bamboo forest 236, a hand-painted picture on a computer



The figurative meaning of the conceptual abstract 'morning glory' is that the color of meaning decorates the reality of customary universality facing the object with the color of light. The dark blank space is a shadow created in the area of the subject, which contrasts with the light of a decorated shape. Here, as a real object, color is a single-phase image of the desire custom seen through the gaze. This is a symbolic linguistic image of the background of desire, which symbolizes the concept of desire with imitated flowers. Here, the morning glory image is a piece as a meaning of desire symbolized in real space as a result of the desire image.

"morning glory" expresses the lack of the concept of desire that exists in reversible temporality as a phenomenal image, and expresses the structure of desire obscured by the shade of reversible light in the intermediate stage, which represents the existence of various desires beyond the current abstract structure of color and plane.


And by expressing the absence of the concept of desire in reversible temporality as a phenomenal image, "morning glory" expresses the mirror image reflected in the "pond" to abstract the structure of reality from the desire hidden in the shade of reversible light in the intermediate stage, which represents the existence of various desires beyond the current abstract color and planar structure.


 Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process "morning glory" by Choi Chul-joo is a reconstruction of the imagination of desire that is recognized as a structure of desire and the reality reflected in the mirror as a background of desire established as a visual structure. "Bamboo Forest" is the shadow that hides the reality in the shadow of reversible light in his desire concept design process. And "The Missing Pond" is an abstract language image that reflects the reality of the concept of unconscious desire as a linguistic structure.

Therefore, Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic representation of the "disappeared pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the concept of abstract desire to a real image in the category of modern art's ideal Logos expression. 

The progress of this symbolizes the object of desire as a conceptual subject as a design process of the conceptual subject of desire.


Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire to design abstraction in contemporary art does not presuppose causality with the real image, but symbolizes the object of desire as a conceptual subject from an abstract concept in which desires alienated by the unconscious are divided, resulting in an abstract real image as a correlation between real images.

In linguistic abstraction, the meaning of abstraction as a real image is inductively inferred to take the meaning of symbolic existence. 

And the view of the image of its existence abstracts the concept of desire to the outside of reality, and the real image becomes the object of abstraction as the correlation of reality with the concept of desire. This is Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process 1.     

The actual image symbolized by the design using the object of abstract desire as the conceptual subject is omitted, and the image is flattened in the visible range of light. And the image is represented as a symbolic structure of the concept of desire, which is spoken in a linguistic sense.


Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process 2 is to decorate the object with a color of universal reality that matches customs so that the reality of the symbolic structure represented in this way has an aesthetic value corresponding to the place as a single image.     

The aesthetic structure concealed by the image designed as the concept of desire is divided into clouds and obscured shades, and the concept of desire is visualized as an image in various directions in the opposite direction of the concept of desire and the image, and the subject of the structure of desire created in the social environment is represented as an object in the past to recognize the image as an abstraction. And the subject who drew the existence executes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire as an agent, and turns abstract desire into an image's mental phenomenon.

And Choi Chul-joo's abstract concept of desire is created by the imagination desired by the subject of desire in selecting an image of an abstract desire object in the unconscious.

As an abstract image, the concept of desire design process 3 is to repeatedly design a desire that combines lines and colors as an unconscious act that is in thought but is not conscious.     

The concept of unconsciously abstracting desire is a sculpture image of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shadow of light, and shows another image of reality by concealing reality as a shadow.

The image is an unconscious mind maintained by the real image and the imagination desired by the subject of desire, and is an idea that cannot be recognized by that image.


Desire Concept Design Process 4. is designed by combining the spatial composition of desire, in which the image of desire is a sculpted planar monochromatic painting in reality, into a reversible structure of light through conscious movement.     

In this way, Choi Cheol-joo's concept of desire design appears as an object of desire as another abstract reality in the perspective visual system through his concept of desire design process.


Louis Chul-joo Choi, Chungha, shows outstanding performance, a hand-painted picture on a computer,/ Cartoon, Korea News Cartoon Review with Contemporary Art Critic Choi Chul-joo's newsmanwha K-Pop Song illustratoin [18] Chungha, shows outstanding performanceACN ・ 2020. 7. 13. 23:25/ Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review


Conceptual semantic structure Abstraction of modern art converts images of the desires of others designed as pop art sketches into abstraction through cartoon criticism. This abstractly illuminates the desire to reconstruct the external phenomena of socio-cultural objects of contemporary art into photographs of events and to express the specific validity of others through the objective perspective of images, the subject of desire. This effect is an easy example of modern art abstraction by abstracting the desires of others into cartoons from the objects in which the event occurred, and interpreting cartoon analysis as a cultural form of modern art to evaluate the value of life. It's a treacherous conceptual art called realistic abstraction, the cartoon news of modern realistic abstraction. 


Conceptual artist, contemporary artist, abstract painter, media artist, pop artist, cartoonist & cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo cartoonist, pop artist, contemporary art work, pop artist who draws webtoon news, contemporary artist, concept artist, cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo.

Choi Chul-joo, contemporary cartoon art historical painting & contemporary concept image installation artist's work


Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon review image as an image.


Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, Bamboo Forest 237-Chungha, shows outstanding performance: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. 


Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, Bamboo Forest b237-Chungha, shows outstanding performance: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. 


Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Choi Chul-joo, Bamboo Forest b237-Chungha, shows outstanding performance-pond: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. 


Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, In front of the bamboo forest Bamboo Forest Bamboo Forest b237-Chungha, shows outstanding performance-pond-mirror: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, leads to verbal abstraction. In other words, the shape in which the other's desire is realistically revealed in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction with the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as a cultural background is linguistic abstraction. Abstraction creates a conceptual structure reflected in a pond based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desires of others in instantaneous events.And Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic expression for "morning glory" reflected in the "pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the abstract concept of desire to a real image in the category of ideal desire expression in contemporary art. 

In addition, as a process of designing the concept of desire, the object of desire is symbolized as a conceptual subject, forming a reality expressed through desire revealed in the oppressed unconscious through design and revealing abstraction as existence


Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p132-3-Chungha, shows outstanding performance,  a hand-painted picture on a computer


Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, morning glory p132-3-Chungha, shows outstanding performance: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.


The visualization of the concept of desire: Visualizing the concept of desire is a cartoon depicting events and performances manually, expressing the background of the cartoon as a landscape of desire with "morning glory" and "Bamboo Forest," and the cartoon image reconstructs desire into an abstract and realistic picture. 


Desire Design Methodology in Abstract Art Theory on Painting Design, Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo's Desire Concept Abstract Design Methodology: <morning glory p132-3-Chungha, shows outstanding performance> As an Abstract Korean painting of Modern Art, Desire Formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> is applied to overlap the painting <Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory 2025-1-Pond Rendering Reflects Current Desire, 113X164cm, acrylic and composite materials on cloth, 2025> created by reversible light. In addition, by re-applying the desire formula by linking verbal metaphor images, a phenomenal conceptual place is set in another place in one space as a shade of reversible light and abstracted. 

This translates to the first non-realistic abstraction poster at Louis Choi Chul-joo's 2022 New York Exhibition to actualize the Desire Object. The image <morning glory p132-3-Chungha, shows outstanding performance> becomes a non-real abstraction of reality.


By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.


By repeatedly sketching design and applying Choi Chuljoo's desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i" to the conceptual image of desire, it instantly acquires aesthetic value and reveals the meaning of abstract desire by realizing realistic formability in the shadow of reversible light at that moment. / The abstract meaning of the shape in which the actual changed instantaneous desire shape is hidden by the reversible movement of light results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, it is verbal abstraction with the same meaning as a realistic form of the other person's desire in a momentary event or performance scene. Choi Chul-joo's conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as the background of cultural abstraction is the linguistic abstraction of images. The abstraction creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of reality after the meaning fostered by language and hides the abstract desire of others in momentary events and performance scenes.


Therefore, conceptual abstract painter Louis Choi Chul-joo's "Louis Choi chuljoo, morning glory p132-3-Chungha, shows outstanding performance" is a desire image of a real structure that is reconstructed into a reversible structure of light as an image of the concept of desire created from a transformed image meaning the reality of morning glory.a New Yorker's private collection

Therefore, conceptual abstract painter Louis Choi Chul-joo's "Bamboo Forest b237-Chungha, shows outstanding performance-pond-mirror" is a desire image of a real structure that is reconstructed into a reversible structure of light as an image of the concept of desire created from a transformed image meaning the reality of morning glory. And  Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic expression for "morning glory" reflected in the "pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the abstract concept of desire to a real image in the category of ideal desire expression in contemporary art. 

In addition, as a process of designing the concept of desire, the object of desire is symbolized as a conceptual subject, forming a reality expressed through desire revealed in the oppressed unconscious through design and revealing abstraction as existence.


Object rendering of the concept of desire is 1. a pop art image that renders unconscious desire as an existential reality by dividing the same concept of desire as the event image into unconscious and real images as an object. Therefore, the subject who speaks linguistic meaning actually represents abstraction, the truth value of the concept of desire, which is an expressive aesthetic structure that specifies the viewing effect of colloquial language and event video broadcasting as an act of speech enunciation that depends on the news. 2. As the truth value of  the concept of desire in visual images is an open system, and numerous visual images are transmitted to others through a pluralistic visual system. Abstract images, which are the true values of the concept of desire, attract attention because they have universality as real images expressed by the desires of others. In other words, the object exposed to the abstract desires of others functions as a desire to exchange the same aesthetic image as the concept of desire of others through the diachronic function of pop art applied as a work of art. 3. The truth value of the concept of desire in a linguistic sense in which the abstract image of the concept of desire and reality are the same, represents the structure of desire, and the reality of the abstract concept of desire is a real image, which is the causal structure of desire, and creates a structure of desire by forming a semantic relationship with contradictory desire. Like Kant, this is a dual structure up to modern art, and it encompasses mythical objects in the same structure as humans, and the antinomic desire structure as a single structure.  4. an object of the concept of desire rendered in abstractionThe object rendering of the concept of desire renders the object as an event image, which is the same rational object as the linguistic meaning of the desire structure through the gaze of the rational subject, is recognized as a real image that the subject cannot see.  Additionally, other objects of desire are continuously represented by real images that attempt to fill the deficiency of desire. The pond, which reflects present desire as an object to abstract desire, presents a desire structure as a reality, which is an object to abstract desire, but it returns the cause of desire as a real image to an object as an event image, free from the imperfect abstraction that lacks desire that is subjugated to social visibility that has been concealed and deviated from lack through real images. In other words, the structure of deficiency and divided desire is hidden through real images of abstract desires, and contradictory desires subordinate to deviated social visibility become the cause of desire and become the objects of real images. In addition, object rendering of other desires is continuously expressed as a real image trying to fill the deficiency of desire. The rendering of an object that reflects the present desire as an object of abstract desire presents the structure of desire as reality, which is the object of abstract desire, but it returns the cause of desire as a real image to an object as an event image, away from the imperfect abstract lacking desire. In other words, the structure of deficiency and divided desire is hidden through the real image of abstract desire, and contradictory desires subordinate to deviated social visibility become the cause of desire, resulting in abstraction as a real image.


Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Choi Chul-joo, the bamboo forest 237, a hand-painted picture on a computer


rnal structure of the linguistic meaning.


 Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, Trump Sets Mission To America First As U.S. President 4, a hand-painted picture on a computer


The figurative meaning of the conceptual abstract 'morning glory' is that the color of meaning decorates the reality of customary universality facing the object with the color of light. The dark blank space is a shadow created in the area of the subject, which contrasts with the light of a decorated shape. Here, as a real object, color is a single-phase image of the desire custom seen through the gaze. This is a symbolic linguistic image of the background of desire, which symbolizes the concept of desire with imitated flowers. Here, the morning glory image is a piece as a meaning of desire symbolized in real space as a result of the desire image.

"morning glory" expresses the lack of the concept of desire that exists in reversible temporality as a phenomenal image, and expresses the structure of desire obscured by the shade of reversible light in the intermediate stage, which represents the existence of various desires beyond the current abstract structure of color and plane.


Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meaning that exists in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, abstract painting is drawn through the shadow of reversible light that interprets others abstract desires into images. In other words, the emergence of the concept of desire is a momentary encounter with the concept of desire in a straight form of non-realistic image generated by reversible light. 

The image of non-realism, which emerged as the concept of desire, is a distorted form of similar factual structure. This is because the place and shape of the real form are not the same.


Realistic structures reflect the shape by being distorted by light.  It is the outline and shadow that are determined by the shade of light that reveals its shape. Realistic abstractions as treacherous conceptual art take note of this and shape realistic concepts.

(Choi Chul-joo's Conceptual Art Theory on Realistic Abstract Painting)


Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p132-4-Trump Sets Mission To America First As U.S. President., a hand-painted picture on a computer


Choi Chul-joo, a contemporary art designer, designs contemporary art abstractions through his desire formula. 

Choi Chul-joo's Desire Formula is a multiplication formula that uses I/I (image) and D/d (design) as symbols to generate a polynomial desire image by connecting the number of design images with event and performance images. The linguistic meaning of an image as a symbol is an image (I/i) of the concept of desire to identify the abstract concept of desire.

As an abstract artist, Choi Chul-joo's contemporary conceptual art is an abstract art that abstracts the concept of real formability and reversible shadow of light as unrealistic beings according to the desires of others. This is an abstraction of the other's desire to replace the real place, that is, the other's desire to represent the real place.


Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire Abstract design concept is a new abstract art methodology that embodies modern abstract concepts transformed from Romanticism to Abstract as real images, starting from the modern art movement.

One conceptual art creates a dual place with the concept of the selector's desire rather than abstract, overtakes abstract conceptual art in the dual place, and repeatedly designs a reality image as a semantic entity with the abstractly deficient desire structure desired by the selector as the subject.

The conceptual aesthetics of figures that design the reality of desire are the result of designing a lack of empirical desire to abstract aesthetic experience into objective reality as a value of life, and formative value is obtained from real images by satisfying the lack of necessary objects.

Here, the object of desire is insufficient and follows the other's concept of desire to obtain semantic correlation through empirical consciousness movements.

Therefore, the actual image as a structure of desire has an aesthetic value that conforms to the conventional practice by omitting shadow images from the real world and placing them in the range of light due to the concept of desire, and settles in the structure of the real subject and the essence of reality. By inductively illuminating the concept in the reversible shadow of light, it clearly embodies the linguistic meaning of the image and the real phenomenon. 


Famous contemporary artist, modern painter, abstract painter & contemporary abstract artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's treacherous conceptual art abstraction 'Morning Glory' & 'Bamboo Forest' pop art abstraction design / Webtoon News Cartoonist & Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo Cartoon Design News 


Webtoon News Cartoonist Choi Chuljoo's One-Sentence Cartoon Review & Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo Pop Art Abstract Painting design 

Cartoon designer Choi Chul-joo, contemporary conceptual art pop art work & Webtoon design historical painter

Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meaning that exists in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, abstract painting is drawn through the shadow of reversible light that interprets others abstract desires into images. In other words, the emergence of the concept of desire is a momentary encounter with the concept of desire in a straight form of non-realistic image generated by reversible light. 

The image of non-realism, which emerged as the concept of desire, is a distorted form of similar factual structure. This is because the place and shape of the real form are not the same.


Realistic structures reflect the shape by being distorted by light.  It is the outline and shadow that are determined by the shade of light that reveals its shape. Realistic abstractions as treacherous conceptual art take note of this and shape realistic concepts.

(Choi Chul-joo's Conceptual Art Theory on Realistic Abstract Painting)


Contemporary Art Work: Review of Korean News Cartoon [202] Trump Sets Mission To America First As U.S. President. (2025.1.22/ Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review


Conceptual semantic structure Abstraction of modern art converts images of the desires of others designed as pop art sketches into abstraction through cartoon criticism. This abstractly illuminates the desire to reconstruct the external phenomena of socio-cultural objects of contemporary art into photographs of events and to express the specific validity of others through the objective perspective of images, the subject of desire. This effect is an easy example of modern art abstraction by abstracting the desires of others into cartoons from the objects in which the event occurred, and interpreting cartoon analysis as a cultural form of modern art to evaluate the value of life. It's a treacherous conceptual art called realistic abstraction, the cartoon news of modern realistic abstraction. 


Conceptual artist, contemporary artist, abstract painter, media artist, pop artist, cartoonist & cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo cartoonist, pop artist, contemporary art work, pop artist who draws webtoon news, contemporary artist, concept artist, cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo.

Choi Chul-joo, contemporary cartoon art historical painting & contemporary concept image installation artist's work


Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon review image as an image.


 Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process "morning glory" by Choi Chul-joo is a reconstruction of the imagination of desire that is recognized as a structure of desire and the reality reflected in the mirror as a background of desire established as a visual structure. "Bamboo Forest" is the shadow that hides the reality in the shadow of reversible light in his desire concept design process. And "The Missing Pond" is an abstract language image that reflects the reality of the concept of unconscious desire as a linguistic structure.

Therefore, Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic representation of the "disappeared pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the concept of abstract desire to a real image in the category of modern art's ideal Logos expression. 

The progress of this symbolizes the object of desire as a conceptual subject as a design process of the conceptual subject of desire.

Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire to design abstraction in contemporary art does not presuppose causality with the real image, but symbolizes the object of desire as a conceptual subject from an abstract concept in which desires alienated by the unconscious are divided, resulting in an abstract real image as a correlation between real images.

In linguistic abstraction, the meaning of abstraction as a real image is inductively inferred to take the meaning of symbolic existence. 

And the view of the image of its existence abstracts the concept of desire to the outside of reality, and the real image becomes the object of abstraction as the correlation of reality with the concept of desire. This is Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process 1.     

The actual image symbolized by the design using the object of abstract desire as the conceptual subject is omitted, and the image is flattened in the visible range of light. And the image is represented as a symbolic structure of the concept of desire, which is spoken in a linguistic sense.

Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire design process 2 is to decorate the object with a color of universal reality that matches customs so that the reality of the symbolic structure represented in this way has an aesthetic value corresponding to the place as a single image.     

The aesthetic structure concealed by the image designed as the concept of desire is divided into clouds and obscured shades, and the concept of desire is visualized as an image in various directions in the opposite direction of the concept of desire and the image, and the subject of the structure of desire created in the social environment is represented as an object in the past to recognize the image as an abstraction. And the subject who drew the existence executes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire as an agent, and turns abstract desire into an image's mental phenomenon.

And Choi Chul-joo's abstract concept of desire is created by the imagination desired by the subject of desire in selecting an image of an abstract desire object in the unconscious.

As an abstract image, the concept of desire design process 3 is to repeatedly design a desire that combines lines and colors as an unconscious act that is in thought but is not conscious.     

The concept of unconsciously abstracting desire is a sculpture image of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shadow of light, and shows another image of reality by concealing reality as a shadow.

The image is an unconscious mind maintained by the real image and the imagination desired by the subject of desire, and is an idea that cannot be recognized by that image.


Desire Concept Design Process 4. is designed by combining the spatial composition of desire, in which the image of desire is a sculpted planar monochromatic painting in reality, into a reversible structure of light through conscious movement.     

In this way, Choi Cheol-joo's concept of desire design appears as an object of desire as another abstract reality in the perspective visual system through his concept of desire design process.


Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Chul-joo Choi, Bamboo Forest 238-Trump Sets Mission To America First As U.S. President: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. 


Contemporary Art Work: Abstract Painting with Treacherous Conceptual Art: Louis Choi Chul-joo, Bamboo Forest a238-Trump Sets Mission To America First As U.S. President: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. 


Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, In front of the bamboo forest Bamboo Forest Bamboo Forest a238-Trump Sets Mission To America First As U.S. President-pond: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.


Desire Concept Realistic Abstract Work: Louis Choi chuljoo, In front of the bamboo forest Bamboo Forest Bamboo Forest a238-Trump Sets Mission To America First As U.S. President-pond-mirror: By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light./ The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, leads to verbal abstraction. In other words, the shape in which the other's desire is realistically revealed in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction with the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as a cultural background is linguistic abstraction. Abstraction creates a conceptual structure reflected in a pond based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desires of others in instantaneous events.And Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic expression for "morning glory" reflected in the "pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the abstract concept of desire to a real image in the category of ideal desire expression in contemporary art. 

In addition, as a process of designing the concept of desire, the object of desire is symbolized as a conceptual subject, forming a reality expressed through desire revealed in the oppressed unconscious through design and revealing abstraction as existence


 The visualization of the concept of desire: Visualizing the concept of desire is a cartoon depicting events and performances manually, expressing the background of the cartoon as a landscape of desire with "morning glory" and "Bamboo Forest," and the cartoon image reconstructs desire into an abstract and realistic picture. 


Desire Design Methodology in Abstract Art Theory on Painting Design, Contemporary Artist Choi Chul-joo's Desire Concept Abstract Design Methodology: <morning glory p132-4> As an Abstract Korean painting of Modern Art, Desire Formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> is applied to overlap the painting <Louis Choi chuljoo, morning glory p132-4-Trump Sets Mission To America First As U.S. President> created by reversible light. In addition, by re-applying the desire formula by linking verbal metaphor images, a phenomenal conceptual place is set in another place in one space as a shade of reversible light and abstracted. 

This translates to the first non-realistic abstraction poster at Louis Choi Chul-joo's 2022 New York Exhibition to actualize the Desire Object. The image <Louis Choi chuljoo, morning glory p132-4-Trump Sets Mission To America First As U.S. President> becomes a non-real abstraction of reality.


By repeatedly applying the concept of imaginary world and desire and Choi Chul-joo's desire formula <D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i> to the image of the work, it acquires aesthetic value and reveals its meaning by realizing formability in the shadow of reversible light. / The meaning of the shape, which is covered by the actual changed instantaneous movement of the shape, results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, the realistic shape of the other person's desire in a momentary event is a linguistic abstraction of the same meaning. Conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as cultural background is linguistic abstraction. The abstract creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of subsequent reality fostered by language and hides the desire of others in a momentary event.


By repeatedly sketching design and applying Choi Chuljoo's desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D'i)i" to the conceptual image of desire, it instantly acquires aesthetic value and reveals the meaning of abstract desire by realizing realistic formability in the shadow of reversible light at that moment. / The abstract meaning of the shape in which the actual changed instantaneous desire shape is hidden by the reversible movement of light results in linguistic abstraction. In other words, it is verbal abstraction with the same meaning as a realistic form of the other person's desire in a momentary event or performance scene. Choi Chul-joo's conceptual art with morning glory and bamboo as the background of cultural abstraction is the linguistic abstraction of images. The abstraction creates a conceptual structure based on the shape of reality after the meaning fostered by language and hides the abstract desire of others in momentary events and performance scenes.


Therefore, conceptual abstract painter Louis Choi Chul-joo's "morning glory p132-4-Trump Sets Mission To America First As U.S. President" is a desire image of a real structure that is reconstructed into a reversible structure of light as an image of the concept of desire created from a transformed image meaning the reality of morning glory.a New Yorker's private collection

Therefore, conceptual abstract painter Louis Choi Chul-joo's "the bamboo forest a238-Trump Sets Mission To America First As U.S. President-pond-mirror" is a desire image of a real structure that is reconstructed into a reversible structure of light as an image of the concept of desire created from a transformed image meaning the reality of morning glory. And  Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire visualizes the concept of desire as a linguistic expression for "morning glory" reflected in the "pond" structure of symbolic reality, reducing the abstract concept of desire to a real image in the category of ideal desire expression in contemporary art. 

In addition, as a process of designing the concept of desire, the object of desire is symbolized as a conceptual subject, forming a reality expressed through desire revealed in the oppressed unconscious through design and revealing abstraction as existence.


Choi Chul-joo's concept of desire Abstract design concept is a new abstract art methodology that embodies modern abstract concepts transformed from Romanticism to Abstract as real images, starting from the modern art movement.

One conceptual art creates a dual place with the concept of the selector's desire rather than abstract, overtakes abstract conceptual art in the dual place, and repeatedly designs a reality image as a semantic entity with the abstractly deficient desire structure desired by the selector as the subject.

The conceptual aesthetics of figures that design the reality of desire are the result of designing a lack of empirical desire to abstract aesthetic experience into objective reality as a value of life, and formative value is obtained from real images by satisfying the lack of necessary objects.

Here, the object of desire is insufficient and follows the other's concept of desire to obtain semantic correlation through empirical consciousness movements.

Therefore, the actual image as a structure of desire has an aesthetic value that conforms to the conventional practice by omitting shadow images from the real world and placing them in the range of light due to the concept of desire, and settles in the structure of the real subject and the essence of reality. By inductively illuminating the concept in the reversible shadow of light, it clearly embodies the linguistic meaning of the image and the real phenomenon.

By inductively illuminating the concept in the reversible shadow of light as a real image of desire, the linguistic meaning and real phenomena of the image are clearly embodied like mathematics.

As a specific object and subject composed of the psychological vector of the concept of unconscious desire in the real image, the instruction vector in which desire is opposed to each other's gaze creates a lack of desire.

In this way, mathematics is an abstract science based on the concept of desire, which goes through abstract design as an axiom and results in reality as a concrete phenomenon rather than based on the external structure of the linguistic meaning.


 Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formula: In the concept of Choi Chul-joo's desire,  

mathematical desire as an axiom of logic in the concept of desire results in reality as a concrete phenomenon rather than based on the external structure of the linguistic meaning through abstract design. Therefore, the rendering of the desire structure revealed by abstract encounter with reality at the intersection of desire outside the window applies the mathematical desire concept abstract design, or the image of the desire concept, to the Choi Chul-joo desire formula, and on March 1, 2022, morning glory appears as a flat real image as the subject of desire as a reversible shade of light in the Flushing Town Hall (New York) exhibition./ The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i). 

 Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality.  The Design Results of Choi Chul-joo's Desire Abstract Concept: Choi Chul-joo Desire Abstract Concept Design's Linguistic Meaning Results: Although the object that is obsessed with the desire for others is passive, it is possible to actively practice one's desires through the sympathizer as the subject of desire, and the sympathizer who sympathizes with the desires of others as the subject can practice with the same desire. As a subject, a person who sympathizes with or accepts the desires of others becomes the same desire and becomes another subject of execution. Here, the sympathizer who sympathizes with the subject of the other's desire tries to generalize it as another object of desire that acts like a victor of war. However, when desire as an act overshadowed by reversible light is not generalized as a public act, the subject of inappropriate desire and the sympathizer antagonize the subject who practiced it according to the other's general desire.  Object rendering of the concept of desire is 1. a pop art image that renders unconscious desire as an existential reality by dividing the same concept of desire as the event image into unconscious and real images as an object. Therefore, the subject who speaks linguistic meaning actually represents abstraction, the truth value of the concept of desire, which is an expressive aesthetic structure that specifies the viewing effect of colloquial language and event video broadcasting as an act of speech enunciation that depends on the news. 2. As the truth value of  the concept of desire in visual images is an open system, and numerous visual images are transmitted to others through a pluralistic visual system. Abstract images, which are the true values of the concept of desire, attract attention because they have universality as real images expressed by the desires of others. In other words, the object exposed to the abstract desires of others functions as a desire to exchange the same aesthetic image as the concept of desire of others through the diachronic function of pop art applied as a work of art. 3. The truth value of the concept of desire in a linguistic sense in which the abstract image of the concept of desire and reality are the same, represents the structure of desire, and the reality of the abstract concept of desire is a real image, which is the causal structure of desire, and creates a structure of desire by forming a semantic relationship with contradictory desire. Like Kant, this is a dual structure up to modern art, and it encompasses mythical objects in the same structure as humans, and the antinomic desire structure as a single structure.  4. an object of the concept of desire rendered in abstractionThe object rendering of the concept of desire renders the object as an event image, which is the same rational object as the linguistic meaning of the desire structure through the gaze of the rational subject, is recognized as a real image that the subject cannot see.  Additionally, other objects of desire are continuously represented by real images that attempt to fill the deficiency of desire. The pond, which reflects present desire as an object to abstract desire, presents a desire structure as a reality, which is an object to abstract desire, but it returns the cause of desire as a real image to an object as an event image, free from the imperfect abstraction that lacks desire that is subjugated to social visibility that has been concealed and deviated from lack through real images. In other words, the structure of deficiency and divided desire is hidden through real images of abstract desires, and contradictory desires subordinate to deviated social visibility become the cause of desire and become the objects of real images. In addition, object rendering of other desires is continuously expressed as a real image trying to fill the deficiency of desire. The rendering of an object that reflects the present desire as an object of abstract desire presents the structure of desire as reality, which is the object of abstract desire, but it returns the cause of desire as a real image to an object as an event image, away from the imperfect abstract lacking desire. In other words, the structure of deficiency and divided desire is hidden through the real image of abstract desire, and contradictory desires subordinate to deviated social visibility become the cause of desire, resulting in abstraction as a real image.


Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, the bamboo forest 238, a hand-painted picture on a computer



Background image of an artist's artwork: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p132, a hand-painted picture on a computer


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